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Mandatory Classroom Expressions

All students must use this vocabulary if they wish to go to the restroom or office or if they need something.  The vocabulary will be exhibited in the classroom at all times, but they will be expected to use the vocabulary without looking each time after the first month of classes. The students are in this class to learn to speak Spanish and this is the first step in learning. Students who will not try to speak in Spanish will loose a págame for each infraction of the rule.  All students are expected to try and speak and learn.

Classroom Expressions
por favor  - please
gracias - thank you
de nada  - you're welcome
Me permite ir - May I go to                                  
al baño - the bathroom    
a la oficina - the office
a la enfermera - the nurse
a la fuente - the water fountain
ex. ¿Me permite ir al baño, por favor?
        May I go to the restroom please?
¿Me permite afilar mi lápiz por favor?
May I sharpen sharpen my pencil please?
¿Como se dice ___ en español?      
How do you say ___ in Spanish?
e.g. ¿Cómo se dice pen en español?      
          How do you say pen in Spanish?
Que significa_____?      
What does ____ mean?
¡No entiendo!      
I don't understand!
Más despacio por favor.      
More slowly please.
Repite por favor.      
Repeat please.
¡Ayúdame por favor!      
Help me please!
Una pregunta por favor.      
A question please
¿Puedo tener ___ por favor?
un páñuelo - a tissue
un lápiz - a pencil
un bolígrafo - a pen
una hoja de papel - a sheet of paper
e.g. ¿Puedo tener un lápiz por favor?
          May I please have a pencil?

