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Welcome Letter to Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians:


Welcome to the beginning of an exciting new year at Piedmont Middle School.  I am looking forward to meeting all of you in the near future.  This is my second year at Piedmont Middle School.  Prior to that, I taught in Charlotte.  I also spent two years as an international flight attendant working flights to Madrid, Spain every week.  I was the designated Spanish-speaker aboard those flights.  I have also been to Chile twice, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Mexico.  I spent six months studying in Chile and a summer studying in Costa Rica.  Not only do I love the Spanish language and culture, I love teaching and very much enjoy the students at Piedmont Middle. 


I want to congratulate you and your son/daughter for choosing to continue taking a foreign language.  Knowledge of a second language not only enhances one's opportunities in the job market, but it also helps develop and reinforce skills that are essential to academic study.


We have a terrific year ahead of us at Piedmont Middle School, and I am looking forward to an exciting and successful Spanish class.  My instruction will follow the NCSCOS (North Carolina Standard Course of Study).  In addition, I will be incorporating a method of foreign language instruction known as TPRS (Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling).  This method encourages language acquisition, not just language learning.  Basically, we have found through years of study that the traditional textbook method does not produce long-term fluency in the language.  The students would learn new vocabulary and grammar and tend to forget it once we moved onto a new set of vocabulary and grammar. 


Because a second language is best acquired in much the same way our native language is learned, students will be exposed to as much Spanish as possible through listening and reading, intentionally tailored to their level of understanding.  They will be taught vocabulary and structures through the context of stories, songs and conversation as well as through gestures and pantomime that mimic real life situations.


 Please don’t be alarmed when your child comes home and tells you we told a story in Spanish today about a tiny elephant who wants to eat seventeen heads of lettuce but arrives in Mexico only to find Mexican cockroaches dancing around the table.  It’s the acquisition that counts!  The kids are learning VOCABULARY and the correct way to speak throughout all these stories. 


This method produces great results.  Kids who acquire language using the TPRS method tend to score higher on national assessment and college placement exams than those who learn the traditional way.  In addition, the kids LOVE class and this makes teaching it even more fun than before.  In order for your child to get the most out of my class, he/she will need to:

·        Pay attention and focus in class.

·        Do all assignments (reading, homework, class assignments, projects, writing assignments) thoroughly and carefully.

·        Study vocabulary for 10 minutes each day.

·        Cooperate and work well with others.

·        Come to class on time and prepared (book, agenda, notebook, pen/pencil, homework assignments).


          Homework will be due on Fridays (unless there is a holiday or a teacher’s workday, then it will be due on Thursday), and students will have the whole week to complete it.  I will often assign your child to tell you a story (In Spanish of course!) we learned in class that week, or I may have him/her teach you some vocabulary words.  Then he/she will turn in a paper signed by you stating the assignment was completed.  So remember to ask to see your son's/daughter's work! 


To help you keep up-to-date with assignments in Spanish class, please visit my web site:  http://srtawilson.tripod.com.  This web site will have current homework assignments, assignment instructions, sites for practicing vocabulary, class calendar, handouts, study tips, class expectations, and grading policies. 


Below I have listed the materials needed for class.  They will be due on Monday, August 29th.  Students will be required to bring the following to class everyday:

·        2 black or blue ink pens

·       2 red pens

·        1" three-ring binder with 10 dividers and notebook paper

·        10" x 8" pouch to hold pens and other school supplies

          I am looking forward to this school year and to working with your child.  Please feel free to call me at school or email me if you have any questions or want to discuss your child’s progress.  I will always try to return your calls as soon as possible. 


With your support, I am sure your child will have a successful year.




Miss Wilson


School Phone: 704-753-2840

Email: julie.wilson@ucps.k12.nc.us

School Website: pdms.ucps.k12.nc.us

My Webpage: http://srtawilson.tripod.com
