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Summer Project for Year Long Spanish


Keep a Spanish journal/scrapbook over the summer.  You are expected to write eight entries.  You can give it a title such as “Mi libro diario” or “Mi diario de vida.”  With your entries you may include postcards, tickets, photographs, sketches, etc. to make your journals more interesting.  Keep a log of each encounter you have with a Spanish-speaker or the culture.  Here are some examples of things you may write about or include:

·        Meet a Spanish-speaker.

·        Go to a Latin American or Spanish restaurant.

·        Go to a Spanish-speaking country.

·        Watch Univision or any other Spanish-speaking TV station.  Tell what show you watched and give a brief synopsis of it.

·        Watch a movie in Spanish or about a Spanish topic.

·        Listen to a Spanish radio station.  Please tell which radio station you listened to.

·        Read an article in the paper about Spain/Latin America.  Please include the article.

·        Notice food in the grocery store from a Spanish-speaking country.  If possible, buy it and try it.  If not, read the label, write about what you saw and tell whether you would like to try it.

·        Do something community based – volunteer at a Hispanic community center, attend an exhibit, concert, or lecture related to the Spanish language/culture, visit a museum, perform a song in Spanish or read an original poem at a rest home that has clients who speak Spanish.

·        Take pictures of billboards or other items in the city that involve Spanish-speaking culture or language.

·        Make a collage of Spanish words used in English (from newspapers and magazines).

·        Save articles dealing with current events in the Spanish-speaking world.

·        E-mail me a few times in Spanish or send me a Spanish greeting card.  julie.wilson@ucps.k12.nc.us

·        Save packing slips or instruction manuals printed in Spanish.

·        Take 3-4 new words in Spanish and make them part of your vocabulary.

·        Cook a Latin/Spanish recipe.  Be sure to include the recipe, how it turned out, and a picture.

·        Plan a field trip for the class.

·        Read a local Hispanic newspaper.  You can find these at Mexican restaurants and at Food Lion.

·        Volunteer to teach Spanish to little kids.

·        Write a song in Spanish,

·        Buy sheet music/Get sheet music online from a Hispanic composer/singer and play it on instrument or sing it with a friend.

·        Research a kind of art that you like, try it out.  Paint/Draw in the style of a famous Hispanic artist.

·        Make a craft.

·        Go to local library and check out the children’s books in Spanish or any of the CD Roms, language tapes, etc.

·        Borrow a textbook and review Spanish for the summer.

·        Collect realia in Spanish or about Spanish-speaking countries from planes, hotels, trips, etc.

·        Plan a Spanish/Mexican night for your family and include food and a piņata.

·        Go to an open-air market/flea market and haggle/bargain down for price you want.

·        Go to an international grocery store, buy something and eat it.

·        Go to a big bank, see what kinds of currency they are able to exchange (e.g. pesos, euros, etc.)

·        Learn a Latin dance.

·        Read some history, world history or Latin American political history.

·        Read some US history with an eye for contributions of Mexicans, Central Americans, South Americans, and Spaniards to US culture.

·        Get in contact with a family that has recently emigrated from Spanish-speaking country and see if you can help them.

·        Read a travel guidebook and plan a trip for your class to Spain or Latin America.  Plan how much money you would need for airfare, hotels, food, train pass, etc.

·        Surf the internet and print off interesting pages from a Spanish website.  Some potential topics you can choose from are: art, food, world cup, various regions in a Spanish-speaking country, festivals and holidays, environmental topics, entertainment, airline travel, hotels, things to see and do, restaurants, personal interests or hobbies, etc.  Please include the title of the site, the URL, a brief summary of type of material on website, and reasons you thought the site was interesting. 

·        Keep a music log.  Go to the music section of a store such as Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Media Play, Border’s, etc.  You can also listen to music on www.amazon.com.  See what Latino music they have in different genres.  Choose two or three CD’s that interest you and listen to them.  Include in your music log the title of the song, artist, album, synopsis of a particular song or a description of style of music, and reason why you liked/disliked the music.

·        Keep a list of all the new Spanish words you learn over the summer.

·        Read a story in Spanish from www.storyplace.org.  Tell which story you read and what it was about.

·        Any other ideas you can think of.



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